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The Finest Ingredients - Part 2

The Finest Ingredients - Part 2
Level: 73 - 80
Quest type Party QuestRepeatable quest
Restrictions: To begin this quest, you need to complete The Finest Ingredients - Part 1 quest first.
Race: Any race
Class: Any class
Start location Hot Springs / Goddard Territory
Start NPC Jeremy
Reward 5 random dyes of the same type (STR, CON, DEX+2 -2)

Before using a browser is required Mozilla Firefox or Opera


  1. Talk to Chef Jeremy on the Hot Springs.


  2. Find Yeti's Table on the Hot Springs. Explore it and leave a lure. Raid Boss Icicle Emperor Bumbalump will appear. Kill it and get Item 7210.jpg Special Yeti Meat .


  3. Talk to Chef Jeremy on the Hot Springs and get the reward.


See also
