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Temple Executor

From Lineage 2 Encyclopaedia
Temple Executor
Level: 35+
Quest type Soloing QuestOnetime quest
Restrictions: None
Race: Any race
Class: Any class
Start location Town of Dion / Dion Territory
Start NPC Shegfield
Reward Adena.jpg 16,924 adena
Badge: Temple Executor Badge: Temple Executor
Item 15623.jpg 0
Item 15624.jpg 0

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  1. Talk to Priest Shegfield in Einhasad Temple in the Town of Dion.


  2. Talk to Captain Alex i Floran Village.


  3. Go to Floran Agricultural Area. You need to kill the following mobs Delu Lizardman Supplier, Delu Lizardman Special Agent, Delu Lizardman Commander, Delu Lizardman Shaman, Beastial Seer to get Item 10330.jpg Old Treasure Map  — 10 pcs., Item 10328.jpg Stolen Cargo  — 10 pcs., Item 10329.jpg Hate Crystal  — 10 pcs..


  4. You need to deliver your trophies:
  5. Talk to Warehouse Keeper Sonin i Floran Village.


  6. Talk to Grocer Pano i Floran Village.


  7. Talk to Priest Shegfield in Einhasad temple in the Town of Dion, get the reward and access to the following quest, Temple Champion - 1.


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