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Shilen's Priest Hisilrome

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Shilen's Priest Hisilrome photo.jpg
Raid Boss
(Raid Bosses - what are they?)

War-Torn Plains

NameShilen's Priest Hisilrome
Raid Boss: If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more Lv.s higher than the raid monster, then the item/Adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more Lv.s, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss (Lv. 65): This Palibati Priest serves Queen Themis and worships the Goddess Shilen. He regards the Queen as one of Shilen's fragments that descended to earth and eagerly awaits the day when the Seal of Shilen is completely broken. He continuously performs rituals sacrificing the blood of the pure and innocent to Shilen. Beast: Generally considers humans as food. Classifies attacking animals as monsters. This also includes chimeras that have fused more than 2 types of cells, as well as other fantasy creatures from mythology.
Update date2013-12-26


Hisilrome's Servitor - 64 lvl.
Hisilrome's Servant - 64 lvl.

This Palibati Priest serves Queen Themis and worships the Goddess Shilen. He regards the Queen as one of Shilen's fragments that descended to earth and eagerly awaits the day when the Seal of Shilen is completely broken. He continuously performs rituals sacrificing the blood of the pure and innocent to Shilen.


General Items Cnt Chance
Item 5305.jpg Sealed Tallum Stockings 1 6.255% — 7.657%
Item 5304.jpg Sealed Tallum Tunic 1 4.003% — 4.879%
Item 5308.jpg Sealed Dark Crystal Robe 1 2.474% — 3.014%
Item 235.jpg Bloody Orchid 1 0.5% — 1%
Other Items Cnt Chance
Item 9816.jpg Earth Egg 1 — 5 71.60% — 79.20%
Item 8176.jpg Destruction Tombstone 1 — 2 71.31% — 78.91%
Item 5485.jpg Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture 9 — 27 24.86% — 30.32%
Item 5536.jpg Bloody Orchid Head 3 — 9 18.67% — 22.63%
Item 5489.jpg Sealed Tallum Stocking Fabric 32 — 96 10.98% — 13.40%
Item 5486.jpg Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric 22 — 66 6.965% — 8.505%
Item 729.jpg Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-grade) 1 1.643% — 1.993%
Item 6570.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (A-grade) 1 1.525% — 1.875%
