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Sea of Spores

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Sea of Spores
Map Sea of Spores.jpg
Territory Oren Territory
Type Open field
Optimal Level 40 and higher
Party size Solo
Herbs drops


Many of us have been to the Sea of Spores, by Hunters' Guild quests, cleaning up PK counter or for some other business. Gigantic roots hang above your head and disappear in the acid mist, which makes it difficult to breathe. The place doesn’t fit for almost any form of life because of huge mushrooms and countless spores. Enormous spiders can’t wait to sting you, and their poison is deadly, so you need to be careful. In the most inaccessible place of this sea dwells a creature, which enjoys the environment.

Its name is Orfen. Many poisonous spiders are watching over it, and its den is entwined wuth nasty, sticky web. There’s only one good thing about the place: this creature cannot cross the borders of the Sea of Spores, as great magic protects the world from spreading of this pest, keeping it inside the perimeter closed with spells.

This monster surprises both by its looks and its history. She’s Arachne, a high, spider-like creature and once had been a friend to the races of Elves and Men, but now attacks everyone who gets close or tries to lure them into the web. It’s not easy to kill it and takes many a man to challenge it. When Orfen wakes up, she wanders around the Sea of Spores. If you attack her, she’ll escape to her nest located in the middle of the location. If you’re lucky, she will not flee. It’s more difficult to kill her in the nest, but still possible.

How did this place appear? Why does Orfen hate the races of Elves and Men so much? Long time ago the place was a huge forest where mushrooms grew. But it was deformed with magic energy during a terrifying war.

The place had become a frightening battlefield where the Elves and the Men fought for domination over the continent, but fell into ruins because of powerful forbidden magic used by the Elves. As a result, high concentration of magic energy destroyed the ecosystem, and the place became a “rotten marshland”. The spores from the marshland started spreading over the neighboring region. To stop the "rotten marshland" and prevent it from spreading any further, the wizards of the Ivory Tower placed a tower with protective magic field.

The war left its traces, and even now the remnants of the battle can be seen. The towers with protective magic field prevent the marshland from spreading around, and the wizards of the Ivory Tower look after them. You can still find mushroom plantations around the place, like Elves’ Great Tress, Cruma fields, etc.

In general, the sea reminds of a white desert, it’s cold and beautiful at the same time. White spores, like snowflakes, fall from the sky, creating a quiet and peaceful atmosphere… Except for Orfen. Sea of Spores Map.jpg

Trying to stop the terrible war between the Men and the Elves, Orfen was badly wounded. She got into a trap in a cruel battle. Then she fell asleep for several hundred years.

When she woke up and saw the place devastated with the battle which once had been a beautiful forest, she got angry and started attacking both Men and Elves in the vicinity.

Orfen Now.jpg

Then the wizards of the Ivory Tower gathered to stop her insane assaults. Nerupa, Orfen’s elder sister, says that the reason for Orfen’s madness are poisonous fumes of the “rotten marshland” which destroyed her brain.

Orfen’s goal is to destroy the Men and the Elves, she dreams of sucking out all their blood and of covering the world with her long, thin web. Even now she spins “the threads of future” to make her appalling dream come true.

Belmont, the archmage of the Ivory Tower, was sent to the Town of Oren to lead the group of four wizards who manage the magic barrier and keep it safe, so the Sea of Spores couldn’t spread out anymore. He always gathers information about the “rotten marshland”. Thanks to their efforts, the Sea of Spores and its owner are under control, and the world of Aden can sleep peacefully.

Sea of Spores Mobs Map.jpg

Sea of Spores - mobs

Location Name Level Properties EXP SP

0 Giant Fungus 53 Plants: These consist of trees, grasses, mushrooms, and fungi. Instinctual creatures, it is generally impossible to have a conversation with them. Poison Resistance: Resistant to poison attack. 29947 470
0 Corpse Spider 54 Bugs: They consist of insects, spiders and worms and act upon their highly refined instincts. Sometimes their instincts present themselves in a more developed form than that of humanoid society. Heavy Armor Type: Strong P. Def. and weak Evasion. 31000 49
0 Rotting tree 54 Plants: These consist of trees, grasses, mushrooms, and fungi. Instinctual creatures, it is generally impossible to have a conversation with them. Slightly Weak P. Atk.: Slightly Weak M. Atk.: Slightly Strong P. Def.: Slightly Strong M. Def.: Blunt Weapon Vulnerability: Vulnerable to Blunt Weapons. 30690 488
0 Corroded Skeleton 55 Undead: Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Heavy Armor Type: Strong P. Def. and weak Evasion. 31990 51
0 Corpse Looter Stakato 57 Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Heavy Armor Type: Strong P. Def. and weak Evasion. 34010 56
0 Explosive Spider 57 Bugs: They consist of insects, spiders and worms and act upon their highly refined instincts. Sometimes their instincts present themselves in a more developed form than that of humanoid society. Heavy Armor Type: Strong P. Def. and weak Evasion. 34010 56
0 Rotten Corpse 57 Undead: Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Heavy Armor Type: Strong P. Def. and weak Evasion. 34010 56
0 Lesser Laikel 58 Bugs: They consist of insects, spiders and worms and act upon their highly refined instincts. Sometimes their instincts present themselves in a more developed form than that of humanoid society. Heavy Armor Type: Strong P. Def. and weak Evasion. 41698 70

Sea of Spores - Raid Bosses

Location Name Level Properties EXP SP

0 Raid Boss Dread Avenger Kraven 44 Raid Boss: If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/Adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss (Lv. 57): This Immortal Knight is searching for Orfen in the Sea of Spores. As a young adventurer, he and his lover joined the Sea of Spores Troops. Orfen's plot caused her death, however, and Kraven's sorrow and rage helped him gain an immortal body in order to revenge himself on Orfen with his sharp, fearsome blade. Undead: Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Dagger/Rapier Resistance: Resistant to Dagger/Rapier attacks. Blunt Weapon Vulnerability: Vulnerable to Blunt Weapons. 3818045 525093
0 Raid Boss Orfen's Handmaiden 48 Raid Boss: If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/Adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss (Lv. 58): This Riba follows Arachne Orfen. Unlike other monsters living in the Sea of Spores, he possesses great intelligence and profound magical knowledge. At Orfen's command, he is searching for flaws in the Ivory Tower's magic force field, which blocks the spores from advancing. Bugs: They consist of insects, spiders and worms and act upon their highly refined instincts. Sometimes their instincts present themselves in a more developed form than that of humanoid society. 6601700 448132
0 Raid Boss Rotting Tree Repiro 56 Raid Boss: If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/Adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss (Lv. 56): A monster plant that has grown by absorbing the poison in the Sea of Spores. It is a follower of Orfen, the Ruler of the Sea of Spores. It was given a task by Orfen to kill trespassing humans. Ivory Tower mystics are sent to tend to the magic force field that prevents spores from spreading, but many have been slain by the Rotting Tree. Plants: These consist of trees, grasses, mushrooms, and fungi. Instinctual creatures, it is generally impossible to have a conversation with them. 1644753 26139
0 Orfen 60 Fairies: Many members of this ancient race left our world as it changed to become more hostile. Some scholars theorize that Fairies were actually living works of art created by the gods for their entertainment. Orfen: The youngest of the 3 Nerupa sisters. Ambitious unlike her sisters, she is amassing her power in the Sea of Spores. She threads the web of the Future. 12776400 66027

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Sea of Spores
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