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Pailaka - Song of Ice and Fire
Grand CrusadeClassic

From Lineage 2 Encyclopaedia
Pailaka - Song of Ice and Fire
Level: 49 - 55
Quest type Soloing QuestOnetime quest
Restrictions: level 49-55
Race: Any race
Class: Any class
Start location Town of Oren / Oren Territory
Start NPC Inspector Adler
Reward Item 15623.jpg 1,860,000,
Item 15624.jpg 480,000
Adena.jpg 187,200 adena,
reward at your choice


Water part of the Temple

Пайлака - Песня льда и огня, карта 1 copy.jpg

Fire part of the Temple

Пайлака - Песня льда и огня, карта 2 copy.jpg

Warning! You can complete this quest if you’re level 49-55. You have 60 minutes to walk through the instance. You don’t have to kill the mobs and the bosses with the weapon you’ve got from the NPCs. If your weapon is better, use it.

Talk to Inspector Adler i Gludin Village near Einhasad Temple or in the Town of Oren near the Warehouse. When you’ve taken the quest, you’ll be teleported to an instance which is a copy of the Forgotten Temple. If you use a Item 736.jpg Scroll of Escape in the instance, you’ll be teleported to Inspector Adler. The Inspector will teleport you back. The mobs you’ve already killed will not appear again, but you’ll be teleported to the very beginning of the dungeon.


  1. In the dungeon you need to talk to Inspector Sinai and get Item 13034.jpg Sprite's Sword (dual swords) and Item 13130.jpg Temple Book of Secrets . The books contains hints which bosses you need to kill to complete your current quest.
  2. Kill the first boss - Spirit of Water Hillas. On your way to the boss you’ll meet different mobs. Kill them to get useful potions. You’ll also find vases, break them to get extra potions. Hillas is located in the Water part of the Temple, you need to pass several rooms.
  3. When Hillas is killed, talk to the Temple Executor located in the adjacent room. He’ll upgrade your dual swords to Item 13035.jpg Enhanced Sprite's Sword and the swords will get a nice skill — Shalin Heal.jpg Shalin Heal (restores HP).
  4. Kill the second boss - Spirit of Water Papion. Papion dwells behind the rooms with stairs. There are also several mobs dwelling there. Kill them first, then kill the boss.
  5. Let’s go deeper into the dungeon, to the fire part of the Temple.
  6. When all the mobs are killed and all the vases are broken, destroy the third boss - Spirit of Fire Kinsus.
  7. When Kinsus is killed, you can again upgrade your swords (talk to the Temple Executor located in the adjacent room). You’ll get a Item 13036.jpg Sword of Ice and Fire with a new skill Shalin Strike.jpg Shalin Strike. This skill is very powerful – with around 1,5 K damage.
  8. Kill the fourth boss - Spirit of Fire Gargos.
  9. To kill the remaining boss, Adiantum, you need to go back to the room with stairs located between the water and the fire parts of the Temple. Go downstairs, underwater, pass the corridor.
  10. When Adiantum is killed, talk to Inspector Adler (he’ll appear in the room). Get your reward.


Item Description P. Atk M. Atk
Battle Axe Battle Axe Grade C.gif Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal. 107 61
Chakram Chakram Grade C.gif Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal. 130 61
Crystal Staff Crystal Staff Grade C.gif Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal. 103 89
Crystallized Ice Bow Crystallized Ice Bow Grade C.gif Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal. 220 61
Cursed Dagger Cursed Dagger Grade C.gif Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal. 94 61
Dark Elven Dagger Dark Elven Dagger Grade C.gif Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal. 94 61
Flamberge Flamberge Grade C.gif Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal. 130 61
Heavy Doom Axe Heavy Doom Axe Grade C.gif Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal. 103 89
Orcish Glaive Orcish Glaive Grade C.gif Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal. 107 61
Skull Graver Skull Graver Grade C.gif Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal. 107 61
Stick of Faith Stick of Faith Grade C.gif Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal. 85 81
Stormbringer Stormbringer Grade C.gif Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal. 107 61

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