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More Than Meets the Eye
Grand CrusadeClassic

From Lineage 2 Encyclopaedia
More Than Meets the Eye
Level: 50+
Quest type Soloing QuestOnetime quest
Restrictions: None
Race: Any race
Class: Any class
Start location Hardin's Academy / Giran Territory
Start NPC Hardin
Reward Adena.jpg 67,550 adena
Item 9648.jpg Transformation Sealbook: Onyx Beast
transformation skill
Info You need to complete this quest to use Transformations.


  1. Talk to Hardin i Hardin's Academy.


  2. Talk to Magister Errickin i Hunters Village.


  3. Go to The Forest of Mirrors, kill mobs: Mirror, Forest of Mirrors Ghost until you have Item 9787.jpg Ectoplasm — 35 items .


  4. Talk to Magister Errickin i Hunters Village, get Item 9786.jpg Stabilized Ectoplasm .


  5. Talk to Hardin i Hardin's Academy, get Item 9788.jpg Hardin's Instructions .


  6. Talk to Magister Clayton in Dark Elf Guild in the Town of Dion.


  7. Go to Plains of Dion, kill Glass Jaguars, until you have Item 9789.jpg Glass Jaguar Crystal — 5 items .


  8. Talk to Magister Clayton in Dark Elf Guild in the Town of Dion, get a Item 9790.jpg Blank Sealbook .


  9. Talk to Hardin i Hardin's Academy and get your reward.


Where to learn transformation

You can learn transformation from Transformation Wizard Avant-Garde in the Ivory Tower.

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