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Lesser Giant's CoDEX - Oblivion

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Item 9625.jpg
Grade NG.gifLesser Giant's CoDEX - Oblivion
Item required to restore a previous enchantment.
Weight: 10
Durability: -

Mob's name Lvl. Stats Hunting Zones Count Chance
Drake Leader 85 Dragons: This word refers to True Dragon that is the most powerful and represents evil creatures Shilen gave birth to and its kinds. Most of this race flies with two wings like reptiles and emits strong energy through its mouth. Earth Attack: Strong against the element of earth. Slightly Strong P. Atk.: Strong P. Def.: Extremely Weak M. Def.: Antharas Lair 1 0.1% — 0.5%
Elite Dragon Knight 85 Dragons: This word refers to True Dragon that is the most powerful and represents evil creatures Shilen gave birth to and its kinds. Most of this race flies with two wings like reptiles and emits strong energy through its mouth. Earth Attack: Strong against the element of earth. Slightly Strong P. Atk.: Very Strong M. Atk.: Strong P. Def.: Extremely Weak M. Def.: Antharas Lair 1 0.1% — 0.5%
Dragon Knight (type 1) 85 Dragons: This word refers to True Dragon that is the most powerful and represents evil creatures Shilen gave birth to and its kinds. Most of this race flies with two wings like reptiles and emits strong energy through its mouth. Earth Attack: Strong against the element of earth. Slightly Strong P. Atk.: Very Strong M. Atk.: Strong P. Def.: Extremely Weak M. Def.: Antharas Lair 1 0.05% — 0.1%
Dragon Knight (type 2) 85 Dragons: This word refers to True Dragon that is the most powerful and represents evil creatures Shilen gave birth to and its kinds. Most of this race flies with two wings like reptiles and emits strong energy through its mouth. Earth Attack: Strong against the element of earth. Slightly Strong P. Atk.: Very Strong M. Atk.: Strong P. Def.: Extremely Weak M. Def.: Antharas Lair 1 0.05% — 0.1%
Dragon Knight Warrior 85 Dragons: This word refers to True Dragon that is the most powerful and represents evil creatures Shilen gave birth to and its kinds. Most of this race flies with two wings like reptiles and emits strong energy through its mouth. Earth Attack: Strong against the element of earth. Slightly Weak P. Def.: Extremely Weak M. Def.: Antharas Lair 1 0.05% — 0.1%
Contaminated Batur Commander 82 Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Earth Attack: Strong against the element of earth. Very Strong P. Atk.: Very Strong M. Atk.: Strong P. Def.: Very Strong M. Def.: Greater Bow/Crossbow Resistance: Highly resistant to Bow/Crossbows. Melee Attack Vulnerability: Renders target vulnerable to melee attacks. Spear Vulnerability: Vulnerable to Spears. Greater Dagger/Rapier Resistance: Highly resistant to Daggers/ Rapiers. Greater Fist Weapon Resistance: Very resistant to Fist Weapons. Blunt Weapon Resistance: Resistant to Blunts. Dualsword Resistance: Resistant to Dualswords. Sword Resistance: Resistant to Swords. Greater Two-handed Weapon Resistance: Very resistant to Two-handed Weapons. Crypts of Disgrace 1 0.01% — 0.05%
Spiked Stakato Worker 82 Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Earth Attack: Strong against the element of earth. Strong P. Atk.: Strong P. Def.: Heavy Armor Type: Strong P. Def. and weak Evasion. Melee Attack Vulnerability: Renders target vulnerable to melee attacks. Stakato Nest 1 0.01% — 0.05%

Trader: Aden Reconstruction Society Leader Moe (Town of Giran)
Item Cost
Item 37607.jpg Treasure Chest (Western Winds)  — 6 pcs. Item 9625.jpg Lesser Giant's CoDEX - Oblivion  — 1 pcs.

Trader: Aden Reconstruction Society Member Eeny (Talking Island Village)
Item Cost
Item 37607.jpg Treasure Chest (Western Winds)  — 6 pcs. Item 9625.jpg Lesser Giant's CoDEX - Oblivion  — 1 pcs.

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