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Judicator icon.png


Race Kamael
Armor Light Armor
Weapon Rapiers
Role Enchanter

Class Description

Judicators are the most elite of all Kamael warriors. Only Inspectors who have undergone rigorous training can graduate to a Judicator. Judicators are said to be able to control other's emotions and will, and have the power to actualize the future that they desire.

Third Class Transfer Quest

Class Skills

Skill Name Lv. Type MP HP SP Cost Range Attr. Description
Skill 1405 3.jpg Divine Inspiration 3 passive 0 0 2000 0 - Increases the number of buffs an individual can receive by 3.
Skill 1405 4.jpg Divine Inspiration 4 passive 0 0 2000 0 - Increases the number of buffs an individual can receive by 4.
Skill 329 1.jpg Health 1 passive 0 0 2000 0 - Increases Poison/Bleed Resistance by 20.
Skill 328 1.jpg Wisdom 1 passive 0 0 2000 0 - Increases Hold/Sleep/Mental Attack Resistance by 20.

Skill Name Lv. Type MP HP SP Cost Range Attr. Description
Skill 330 1.jpg Skill Mastery 1 passive 0 0 3000 0 - Depending on your STR, resets Cooldown resets or doubles the duration.

Skill Name Lv. Type MP HP SP Cost Range Attr. Description
Skill 939 1.jpg Soul Rage 1 active 5 25 4000 600 - Gathers souls and attacks the enemy by hurling projectiles. Possible up to level 40. Critical hit and over-hit are possible.

Skill Name Lv. Type MP HP SP Cost Range Attr. Description
Skill 538 1.jpg Final Form 1 buff 70 200 5000 0 - Transform into a final battle form. Consumes 20 souls.

Skill Name Lv. Type MP HP SP Cost Range Attr. Description
Skill 1515 1.jpg Lightning Barrier 1 buff 37 0 6000 0 - Spreads lightning's defensive barrier for 20 minutes. Paralyzes the target that attacked you.
