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Heart in Search of Power
Grand CrusadeClassic

From Lineage 2 Encyclopaedia
Heart in Search of Power
Level: 60 - 71
Quest type Soloing QuestParty QuestRepeatable quest
Restrictions: None
Race: Any race
Class: Any class
Start location Valley of Saints / Rune Territory
Start NPC Mysterious Necromancer
Reward Adena.jpg 100,000 adena or


Talk to Mysterious Necromancer in the Valley of Saints.


  1. Go to Valley of Saints, kill the following mobs: Eye of Splendor, Flash of Splendor, Blade of Splendor, Wisdom of Splendor, Soul of Splendor, Victory of Splendor, Punishment of Splendor, Shout of Splendor, Signet of Splendor, Crown of Splendor, Wailing of Splendor, until you’ve gathered Item 7171.jpg Bead of Obedience — 300 items .


  2. Talk to Mysterious Necromancer in the Valley of Saints. Get the Item 7170.jpg Seal of Light .


  3. Talk to Enfeux in the Valley of Saints and get the Item 7172.jpg Gem of Saints .


  4. Talk to Mysterious Necromancer in the Valley of Saints. Get the reward of your choice.


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