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Gludio Territory

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== Description ==
== Description ==
Located at the northwestern fringe of the continent. Long ago the territory flourished due to trade and expansive agricultural lands, but since the continent has stopped trading and the lands have been devastated with powerful magic, the territory lost its importance. However, there are still ancient relics there, and the mysterious lenegs of lore attract many travellers.
== Hunting Zones ==
== Hunting Zones ==

Latest revision as of 13:24, 14 November 2012

Gludio Territory.jpg



Located at the northwestern fringe of the continent. Long ago the territory flourished due to trade and expansive agricultural lands, but since the continent has stopped trading and the lands have been devastated with powerful magic, the territory lost its importance. However, there are still ancient relics there, and the mysterious lenegs of lore attract many travellers.

Hunting Zones

Hunting Zone Levels Type Herbs
Ruins of Ye Sagira 8+ Dungeon / Solo drops
Evil Hunting Grounds 14+ Open field / Solo drops
Neutral Zone 15+ Open field / Solo drops
Langk Lizardmen Dwellings 16+ Open field / Solo drops
Fellmere Harvesting Grounds 17+ Open field / Solo drops
Labyrinth of Belis 18+ Dungeon / Solo drops
Entrance to the Ruins of Despair 19+ Open field / Solo drops
Ruins of Agony Bend 19+ Open field / Solo drops
Windmill Hill 20+ Open field / Solo drops
Ol Mahum Checkpoint 22+ Open field / Solo drops
Windawood Manor 22+ Open field / Solo drops
Maille Lizardmen Barracks 24+ Open field / Solo drops
Ruins of Agony 25+ Open field / Solo drops
Windy Hill 26+ Open field / Solo drops
Forgotten Temple 27+ Dungeon / Solo drops
Ant Nest 29+ Dungeon / 2 ppl drops
Red Rock Ridge 30+ Open field / Solo drops
Ruins of Despair 30+ Open field / Solo drops
Orc Barracks 35+ Open field / Solo non drops
Wasteland 35+ Open field / Solo drops
Ant Incubator 36+ Dungeon / Solo drops
Harnak Underground Ruins 85+ Dungeon / 7 ppl non drops




Type Fortress Name Skills Description
Territory Fortresses Shanty Fortress Residence Body.jpg Residence Body The Max HP of clan members in residence increases by 222.
Residence Shield Block.jpg Residence Shield Block Shield Defense of clan members in residence increases by 54.7.
Southern Fortress Residence Resist Typhoon.jpg Residence Resist Typhoon Resistance to Water and Wind attacks of clan members in residence increases by 10.
Residence Shield Block.jpg Residence Shield Block Shield Defense of clan members in residence increases by 54.7.
Border Fortresses Floran Fortress Residence Freedom.jpg Residence Freedom Resistance to Hold attacks of clan members in residence increases by 10.
Residence Guidance.jpg Residence Guidance Accuracy of clan members in residence increases by 4.
Cloud Mountain Fortress Residence Fortitude.jpg Residence Fortitude Resistance to Stun attacks of clan members in residence increases by 10.
Residence Death Fortune.jpg Residence Death Fortune When a clan member within the residence is killed by PK/ordinary monster, the item drop rate and XP decrease rate are decreased.

Gludio Territory - Related Pages
Gludio Territory - Quests
Locations: Territories | Starting Villages | Castles | Instanced Dungeons | Hellbound | Gracia
Territories: Starting Villages | Gludio Territory | Dion Territory | Giran Territory | Innadril Territory | Oren Territory | Aden Territory | Rune Territory | Goddard Territory | Schuttgart Territory | Magmeld
Gludio Territory: Gludio
Gludin Village
Gludio Castle
Warf of Gludio Airships
Langk Lizardmen Dwellings
Maille Lizardmen Barracks
Abandoned Camp
Ruins of Agony
Ruins of Despair
Orc Barracks
Windy Hill
Forgotten Temple
Ant Nest
Harnak Underground Ruins