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Fade to Black

From Lineage 2 Encyclopaedia
Fade to Black
Level: 82+
Quest type Party QuestRepeatable quest
Restrictions: To begin this quest, you need to complete Secret Mission quest first.
Race: Any race
Class: Any class
Start location Monastery of Silence / Rune Territory
Start NPC Greymore
Reward recipe of Moirai armor/accessories, or XP and SP.


Talk to Priest Greymore between the first and the second floors of the Monastery of Silence.


  1. Kill Raid Boss Lord of Splendor Anais and get a Item 15527.jpg Mark of Splendor or a Item 15528.jpg Mark of Darkness as proof.


    • Warning! When the Raid Boss is killed, 1 member of your party receives a Item 15527.jpg Mark of Splendor , other members receive Item 15528.jpg Mark of Darkness .
  2. Talk to Priest Greymore located between the first and the second floors of the Monastery of Silence and get the reward.



If you bring to Priest Greymore the Item 15527.jpg Mark of Splendor , you can receive a recipe at your choice (see description), if you bring the Item 15528.jpg Mark of Darkness , you’ll get Item 15623.jpg 55,983 and Item 15624.jpg 136,500.

Heavy Armor
Item 15775.jpg Recipe: Sealed Moirai Helmet (60%)
Item 15778.jpg Recipe: Sealed Moirai Breastplate (60%)
Item 15781.jpg Recipe: Sealed Moirai Gaiters (60%)
Item 15784.jpg Recipe: Sealed Moirai Gauntlet (60%)
Item 15787.jpg Recipe: Sealed Moirai Boots (60%)
Item 15791.jpg Recipe: Sealed Moirai Shield (60%)
Light Armor
Item 15776.jpg Recipe: Sealed Moirai Leather Helmet(60%)
Item 15779.jpg Recipe: Sealed Moirai Leather Breastplate (60%)
Item 15782.jpg Recipe: Sealed Moirai Leather Leggings (60%)
Item 15785.jpg Recipe: Sealed Moirai Leather Gloves (60%)
Item 15788.jpg Recipe: Sealed Moirai Leather Boots (60%)
Magic armor
Item 15777.jpg Recipe: Sealed Moirai Circlet (60%)
Item 15780.jpg Recipe: Sealed Moirai Tunic (60%)
Item 15783.jpg Recipe: Sealed Moirai Stockings (60%)
Item 15812.jpg Recipe: Sealed Moirai Ring (70%)
Item 15813.jpg Recipe: Sealed Moirai Earring (70%)
Item 15814.jpg Recipe: Sealed Moirai Necklace (70%)

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