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Demon's Dagger

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Item 234.jpg
Grade B.gifDemon's Dagger
Type - Dagger / 1-h.
Bestows one of the following functions: Critical Bleed, P. Critical Damage or Critical Poison.
Weight: 970
Durability: -
P. Atk.: 170
M. Atk.: 99
Soulshots Consume: 1
Spiritshots Consume: 1
MP Consume: 0
Crystallization: Item 1460.jpg Crystal (B-Grade) - 1121
Soul Crystal: Stage - 10
Grade: B
Special Abilities:

Critical Bleed <Soul Crystal Enhancement>

Has a 12% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack.

To insert the Soul Crystal requires
Gemstone B.jpg Gemstone B — 112
Critical Poison <Soul Crystal Enhancement>

Has a 6% chance of casting Poison on the target during a standard Critical Attack.

To insert the Soul Crystal requires
Gemstone B.jpg Gemstone B — 112
Critical Damage <Soul Crystal Enhancement>

Increases P. Atk. by 160 during a Critical Attack.

To insert the Soul Crystal requires
Gemstone B.jpg Gemstone B — 112
Demon's Dagger Item Photo

Mob's name Lvl. Stats Hunting Zones Count Chance
Raid Boss Giant Statue Guardian Karum 60 Raid Boss: If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/Adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss (Lv. 60): Another subordinate of Glaki. Like Glaki, he also guards the statue of the giants but he does not consider this work a sacred duty. According to legend, the Statue of the Giants can resurrect an incomplete body of a giant to regain a complete body. It is said that the reason he is guarding the statue is to earn the trust of Glaki but to fulfill his secret ambition to obtain a perfect and powerful body. Giants: This race looks similar to a humanoid, but they are approximately 2-3 times in size. This includes the ancient Giants who once ruled the continent, their descendants, and even the monsters that have regressed and in whom only a small fragment of the race's history remains. Forsaken Plains 1 1.384% — 1.678%
Raid Boss Harit Guardian Garangky 56 Raid Boss: If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/Adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss (Lv. 56): The son of Fierce Tiger King Angel, called the Guardian of Harit Lizardmen, he was sent by his father to help the Harit Lizardmen who had protected Anghel Waterfall for generations. Beast: Generally considers humans as food. Classifies attacking animals as monsters. This also includes chimeras that have fused more than 2 types of cells, as well as other fantasy creatures from mythology. The Forest of Mirrors 1 1.154% — 1.416%
Raid Boss Fairy Queen Timiniel 61 Raid Boss: If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/Adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss (Lv. 61): This capricious Queen of All the Fairies has ruled the Enchanted Forest for thousands of years. She fears the gradual weakening of the Seal of Shilen. Fairies: Many members of this ancient race left our world as it changed to become more hostile. Some scholars theorize that Fairies were actually living works of art created by the gods for their entertainment. The Enchanted Valley 1 0.5% — 1%
Fallen Orc Captain 61 Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Slightly Weak P. Def.: Slightly Weak M. Def.: Light Armor Type: Weak P. Def. and strong Evasion. Critical Damage: Increases Critical Damage. Forsaken Plains 1 ~ 0.0009%

To craft an item, its crafter must learn a Item 5005.jpg Recipe: Demon's Dagger (60%) .
Skill level: 7
Craft chance item: 60%
Number of items crafted: 1
MP Spent: 183

To craft an item, its crafter must learn a Item 4197.jpg Recipe: Demon's Dagger .
Skill level: 7
Craft chance item: 100%
Number of items crafted: 1
MP Spent: 183

Enchanting Crystallization Fail Ench. Enchanting Crystallization Fail Ench.
+0 1121 +12 2528 1967
+1 1188 +13 2662 2101
+2 1255 +14 2796 2235
+3 1322 761 +15 2930 2369
+4 1456 895 +16 3064 2503
+5 1590 1029 +17 3198 2637
+6 1724 1163 +18 3332 2771
+7 1858 1297 +19 3466 2905
+8 1992 1431 +20 3600 3039
+9 2126 1565 +21 3734 3173
+10 2260 1699 +22 3868 3307
+11 2394 1833 +23 4002 3441

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