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Curse Fear - Sorcerer

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Skill 1169.jpgCurse Fear
Frightens the enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds.
Class Sorcerer
Type debuff
Attribute -
Recast time 3 s
Cast time 4 s
Cast range 600
Classes with same skill Sorcerer, Necromancer, Spellsinger, Spellhowler, Archmage, Soultaker, Mystic Muse, Storm Screamer

Skill Upgrade

Lvl. to Learn Skill Lvl. Description MP Consume HP Consume SP
40 1 Frightens the enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds. 35 0 30
44 2 Frightens the enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds. 39 0 37
48 3 Frightens the enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds. 44 0 67
52 4 Frightens the enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds. 48 0 96
56 5 Frightens the enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds. 52 0 105
58 6 Frightens the enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds. 54 0 121
60 7 Frightens the enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds. 55 0 151
62 8 Frightens the enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds. 58 0 200
64 9 Frightens the enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds. 60 0 210
66 10 Frightens the enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds. 62 0 310
68 11 Frightens the enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds. 64 0 478
70 12 Frightens the enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds. 65 0 711
72 13 Frightens the enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds. 67 0 748
74 14 Frightens the enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds. 69 0 1000