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Corroded Green Bait (High-grade)

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Item 6521.jpg
Grade NG.gifCorroded Green Bait (High-grade)
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Weight: 3
Durability: -

Trader: Aden Reconstruction Society Member Eeny (Talking Island Village)
Item Cost
Item 37607.jpg Treasure Chest (Western Winds) Item 6521.jpg Corroded Green Bait (High-grade)  — 2236 pcs.
Adena.jpg 300,000 adena

Trader: Aden Reconstruction Society Leader Moe (Town of Giran)
Item Cost
Item 37607.jpg Treasure Chest (Western Winds) Item 6521.jpg Corroded Green Bait (High-grade)  — 2236 pcs.
Adena.jpg 300,000 adena

Quest Reward:
Quest Levels Start NPC Restrictions

Red-eyed Invaders 20 - 28 Guard Babenco No Requirements

Corroded Green Bait (High-grade) - Related Pages
Items Armor Sets | Common Items | Weapon | Armor | PvP Items | Accessories | Rare Items | Head Accessories | Belts | Cloaks | Bracelets | Talismans | Life Crystals