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Corroded Giant's Reorin's Mold

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Item 19306.jpg
Grade NG.gifCorroded Giant's Reorin's Mold
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Weight: 2
Durability: -

Trader Place Cost
Anthony Ancient City Arcan Item 30384.jpg Certificate of Promise  — 10 pcs.

Can be obtained for the following quest:
Quest Levels Start NPC Restrictions

Abandoned God's Creature 90 Horpina Completion of the Twisted Creation Tree quest
Undecaying Memory of the Past 90 Opera Completion of the To the Prison of Darkness Quest
Altar of Blood that Awakens Destruction 95 - 99 Dusk Agent Georgio No Requirements

Corroded Giant's Reorin's Mold - Related Pages
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