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Clan Overview

A clan is a group of players who decide to maintain a long-standing partnership in which they become friends and help each other out in-game. Many valuable friendships in real-life first start out in an in-game clan. With a clan, numerous features in Lineage II become more accessible, including Castle Sieges and Clan Halls.

A clan is made up of a clan leader, commonly known as a Lord, and a number of clan members. New clans may accept up to 10 members. As the clan reaches new levels, it can have up to 220 members. Also, as a clan rises in level it can learn clan skills, powerful abilities which affect the entire clan at the same time.

Clan Interface

Information about the clan can be acquired through the Clan Interface (Alt+N). When a player is in a clan, this window displays the clan name, clan leader name, clan level, controlled castles or clan halls, and a list of clan members. The list of clan members shows all members by name, level, class, and online/offline status. Clan leaders and members can also perform specific clan-related actions through this interface.


Member Info - Several functions are available from the Member Info window. This window can also be opened by double-clicking a member's name in the clan list.

Invite - Invite a clan member to party.

Change Title - Add or change the custom clan title above the selected clan member's overhead name.

Change Rank – Bestow a clan member with the desired clan rank.

Dismiss – Removes the selected player from the clan.

Apprentice/Sponsor - Displays the name of the person sponsoring a Clan Academy member, or the name of the Clan Academy member being sponsored.

Select - Choose a selected Clan Academy member to sponsor.

Dismiss - Removes sponsorship from the Clan Academy member displayed.

Privileges - The Privileges button displays clan-related privileges currently held.

Community - This button opens the Community window for the clan.

Clan Info - The Clan Info button opens a window which displays the structure of the clan and its sub-units. Clan skills which the clan has learned will also be displayed in this window. Clan Reputation Points and Clan Ranking are displayed at the top of the Clan Info window.

Penalty - The Penalty button displays clan and alliance penalty information with the expiration date for each.

Leave - This button withdraws you from the clan. Clan leaders cannot use the Leave button.

War Info - The War Info button opens a window with more information about clan wars the clan is engaged in. Specific functions related to clan wars are also available in this window.

Declare War - This option engages the clan at war against another clan. Only clans level 3 and above with at least 15 members can declare war on another clan.

End War - Click this button to retract a declaration of war against another clan.

Invite - Invites the targeted player to the clan. The player must be online to receive the invitation to join the clan.

Edit Auth. - The Edit Authorizations window allows the clan leader to set clan-specific privileges and abilities for selected clan members. The leader can set system, clan hall, and castle privileges. Clan leaders need to pay careful attention when bestowing these rights to their clan members, in particular with privileges related to clan reputation points, clan member joining/withdrawal, and castle and manor rights. The clan leader can assign rights related to clan halls and castles even when the clan doesn’t own one at the time.

Edit Crest - Allows a clan member with appropriate privileges to change the clan crest and clan insignia for clans level 3 and above. The crest must be 16x12 pixels and saved in a 256 color BMP file format. The clan insignia serves as a customized symbol for the clan shield when the clan has possession of a castle or clan hall. The insignia can be registered as a 64x64 pixel 256 color BMP file.

Creating a clan

Any character over level 10 may create a clan. When a character has reached level 10 or higher, he or she can go to the Warehouse Chief NPC to create a clan. Clan names may be comprised of up to 16 alphabetical and numerical characters and cannot include spaces or special characters.

Leaving a Clan

A clan member may leave a clan, but they will suffer penalties as a result.

A clan leader can kick a player from their clan by going to the Clan Window and clicking on the Dismiss button in the Actions section. A member that is dismissed from the clan must wait one calendar day to join another clan, but can create a new clan immediately. When a member is dismissed from a clan, the clan must wait one calendar day to accept new members. A clan member can leave a clan going to the Clan Window and clicking the Leave button in the Actions section. When a member leaves a clan, he or she may not join any other clan for one calendar day, but can create a new clan immediately. The clan leader can accept new members immediately. If the clan leader withdraws from the clan, the clan is automatically dissolved and receives penalties.

Clan Leadership Transfer

A clan leader may transfer their rights to other clan members. The leader must request the clan leader transfer from an NPC who is in charge of clan activities. The new clan leader will assume their new role during the next regularly scheduled maintenance time. The clan leader transfer should still be completed even when the server is down unexpectedly. A clan leader transfer may be cancelled anytime prior to the regular maintenance time.

Dissolving a clan

A clan leader may dissolve the clan without the prior consent of the members. Dissolving a clan is done in the same manner as creating a clan, through the appropriate NPCs.

It takes seven calendar days to dissolve a clan. Clan skills are restricted until the dissolution occurs, but clan chat and clan bulletin boards may still be used. A clan cannot be dissolved when involved in a clan war. Members who leave the clan during those seven days will still be unable to join any other clan for one calendar day, but once the clan is dissolved the members who remained can join other clans immediately.

A clan leader who dissolves his/her clan receives experience penalties comparable to one death and cannot create a new clan for another ten days. In addition, all the skills and fame that the clan possesses will be lost.

Clan Level Clan Leader SP Adena Required Items Clan Reputation Minimum Clan Members
1 20,000650,000-01
2 100,0002,500,000-01
3 350,0000Blood Mark01
4 1,000,0000Alliance Manifesto01
5 2,500,0000Seal of Aspiration01
6 00-5,00030
7 00-10,00050
8 00-20,00080
9 00-40,000120
10 00-40,000140
11 00-75,000170