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Changing Appearance

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Обработка внешнего вида.jpg

Since the Glory Days update players can change the looks of their weapon, armor and head accessories. To change the looks, you need a source item, an appearance stone and the item you like the appearance of. The changed item will keep all its characteristics and will have the looks of the prototype item. To restore the looks of the source item, you need a restoration stone. There are also appearance stones which do not require a prototype: Item 22666.jpg Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone: Sword . There are also appearance stones in the game which change the looks of items for a certain period of time, then the source item regains its looks: Item 23486.jpg Santa Outfit Appearance Stone

How to Use an Appearance Stone

Changing appearance of a weapon

  • To change the appearance of a weapon, you need a prototype - the item you like the appearance of.
  • The prototype will disappear forever during the process.
  • R-Grade Appearance and Restoration Stones can be used with weapon Grade R, R95 and R99.
  • S-Grade Appearance and Restoration Stones can be used with weapon Grade S and S80.
  • The Grade of the prototype item can't be higher than the grade of the source one. For example, you can't change the looks of a Requiem Thrower (Grade R) to the looks of a Specter Thrower (Grade R95).
  • The type of the source item and the prototype must be the same: one-handed sword, two-handed sword, bow, spear etc. For example, you can't change the looks of an Amaranthine Cutter (one-handed sword, phys) to the looks of a Sword of Miracles (one-handed sword, mag.). You can't change the looks of crossbows Grade R-R99 to the looks of crossbows Grade NG-S80, as the weapons belong to different types.
  • Hero Weapons, Cursed Weapons, temporary weapon and Legacy Weapon (obtained after Awakening quest is complete) can't be changed.
  • Common, bound and blessed weapon can be both source and prototype for changing appearance.
  • The appearance of Dark (PvP) and Bloody (PvE) Amaranthine weapon can be changed.
  • The appearance of PvP weapon Grade S/S80 (sold by NPC Rapidus in the Town of Aden) can also be changed.
  • Weapon with changed appearance can be enchanted, augmented, you can also add attributes to it. Such modification won't affect its looks.
  • The appearance of modified weapon with an attribute or a life stone can be changed. Its enchantment, augmentation and attribute protection will remain unchanged.
  • The looks of your changed weapon will be reset if you add a Soul Crystal or the second Soul Crystal, or when you use an Unbind Scroll or a Scroll of Blessing.
  • If the item to be changed (which appearance is to be changed) can be transferred, and the prototype (which appearance is borrowed) can't be, then the changed weapon will keep its characteristics, i.e. it can be transferred.
  • If the item to be changed can't be transferred, and the prototype can, the changed weapon will keep its characteristics, i.e. can't be transferred.
  • If the prototype has one Soul Crystal property, and the item to be changed has another one, then after changing the appearance the source item will keep its Soul Crystal characteristics. For example, if you want your Focus Draconic Bow to look like Cheap Shot Shyeed's Bow, the item will keep its Soul Crystal property - Focus.
  • Weapon Grade R/R95/R99 looking like weapon Grade S/S80 and below after changing the appearance will get the shining aura of the prototype. For example, your Amaranthine Caster looking like Arcana Mace will have red shining aura only with +16, not with +12, as non-changed weapon Grade R/R95/R99.

Changing appearance of a armor

  • To change the appearance of an armor, you need a prototype - the item you like the appearance of.
  • The prototype will disappear forever during the process.
  • R-Grade Appearance and Restoration Stones can be used with armor Grade R, R95 and R99. * S-Grade Appearance and Restoration Stones can be used with armor Grade S and S80.
  • The Grade of the prototype item can't be higher than the grade of the source one. For example, you can't change the looks of an Immortal Tunic (Grade R) to the looks of a Seraph Tunic (Grade R95).
  • The type of the source item and the prototype must be the same: heavy, light, robe. For example, you can't change the appearance of a Seraph Leather Armor (light) to the looks of a Vesper Tunic (robe),
  • For every part of armor (gloves, boots, upper armor, lower armor, shield, sigil) you need a separate Appearance tone. You can't change the appearance of the whole set with just one stone.
  • A set of armor (below Grade R) can't be used as prototype for armor Grade R, as such sets don't have proper set parts. For example, you can't change the appearance of a Twilight Tunic to the looks of a Dark Crystal Robe.
  • Any changed armor can be modified. You can also add an attribute to it. Such modification won't affect its looks.
  • Any modified armor part with an attribute can be changed with a stone. The modification and the attribute protection will remain the same.
  • The appearance of armor is reset when you add or modify its characteristics grade R at any blacksmith's. For example, if you have a Seraph Leather Armor and changed appearance and then add or change its Grade R characteristics, the looks of your armor will be reset to normal.
  • Common, bound and blessed armor can be both source and prototype for changing appearance.
  • If the status of your armor is changed to blessed or if you unbind it, the looks of the armor are reset to normal.
  • Kamael can equip only light armor with changed appearance.
  • If the item to be changed (which appearance is to be changed) can be transferred, and the prototype (which appearance is borrowed) can't be, then the changed armor will keep its characteristics, i.e. it can be transferred.
  • If the item to be changed can't be transferred, and the prototype can, the changed armor will keep its characteristics, i.e. can't be transferred.
  • The appearance of helmets and accessories cannot be changed.
  • Formal Wear can be used as prototype. You need just 1 Appearance stone, and the whole armor set will look like Formal Wear.

Changing appearance of Head Accessories

  • To change the appearance of a head accessory, you need a prototype - the item you like the appearance of.
  • The prototype will disappear forever during the process.
  • You can change the appearance of Head Accessories only by the amount of slots that it needs. It means that the source item and the prototype need the same amount of slots to be equipped: both - 2 slots; or both - one upper slot; or both - one lower slot.
  • Appearance stone can't be used with temporary accessories (3 days, 7 days etc.)
  • Noblesse Tiara (Noblesse only) and Wings of Destiny Circlet (for heroes) can be used both as source and prototype. However, the changed head accessory will get the characteristics of its prototype. For example, the head accessory looking like Noblesse Tiara can be equipped by Noblesse only, and the head accessory looking like Wings of Destiny Circlet can be equipped by Heroes only,
  • If you add a pendant to your head accessory, its looks are reset to normal.
  • Any head accessory with changed appearance can be enchanted and augmented. Such modification won't affect its looks.
  • The appearance of any modified and/or augmented head accessory can be changed. It'll keep its modification.
  • Gender-specific items can be used for appearance copying, but the gender restriction remains. For example, if a unisex hair accessory takes on the appearance of a female-only hair accessory, male characters will not be able to equip it.
  • The appearance of Draco's Hat (event) can be changed. The hat needs 2 slots, so the prototype must need 2 slots as well.
  • If the item to be changed (which appearance is to be changed) can be transferred, and the prototype (which appearance is borrowed) can't be, then the changed head accessory will keep its characteristics, i.e. it can be transferred.
  • If the item to be changed can't be transferred, and the prototype can, the changed head accessory will keep its characteristics, i.e. can't be transferred.


Let's see how you can change the looks of a weapon through the example of Bound Amaranthine Caster and Arcana Mace (Acumen).

  1. Before using a stone, please read its description very carefully.

    Weapon app stone desc.jpg
  2. Source items: Bound Amaranthine Caster and Arcana Mace (Acumen).
    R99 magic 1h blunt.jpgArcana mace.jpg

  3. Double-clock the Weapon Appearance Stone - a window will open.

    Weapon app stone process1.jpg
  4. Drag the item to be changed to the Target Weapon slot. In our example it's the Bound Amaranthine Caster. Drag the prototype into the Appearance Weapon slot.

    Weapon app stone process2.jpg
  5. Click the Start button. The price is Adena.jpg 800,000 adena. If you don't have enough money, you'll see the error message.

    Weapon app stone no adena.jpg
  6. Before you start, you'll get messages about the details of the process.
    Weapon app stone confirm1.jpgWeapon app stone confirm2.jpg

  7. If you have enough Adena, you'll see the message that the process is successful and the fireworks.

    Weapon app stone success.jpg
  8. As a result, you have a Bound Amaranthine Caster looking like Arcana Mace.

    Altered R99 magic 1h blunt.jpg

How to cancel

  1. Weapon restore stone desc.jpg
    Before using a stone, please read its description very carefully.
  2. Weapon restore stone process1.jpg
    Double-click the Restoration stone to start the process. Drag the changed weapon into the slot and click Start (no fee is needed).