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Cannibalistic Stakato Leader

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Cannibalistic Stakato Leader photo.jpg
Stakato Nest

Name Cannibalistic Stakato Leader
Level 83
HP 36,476
MP 2,191
EXP 178,972
SP 42
Herbs no
Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Earth Attack: Strong against the element of earth. Very Strong P. Atk.: Extremely Strong P. Def.: Extremely Strong M. Def.: Heavy Armor Type: Strong P. Def. and weak Evasion. Greater Stun Resistance: Very resistant to Stun. Greater Sleep Resistance: Very resistant to Sleep. Greater Hold Resistance: Very resistant to Hold. Melee Attack Vulnerability: Renders target vulnerable to melee attacks.
Update date 2013-12-16


General Items Cnt Chance
Other Items Cnt Chance
Item 57.jpg Adena 681 — 1586 70%
Item 9573.jpg Life Stone - Lv. 80 1 1.058% — 1.280%
Item 9574.jpg Mid-grade Life Stone - Lv. 80 1 0.1% — 0.5%
Item 9551.jpg Holy Stone 1 0.05% — 0.1%
Item 5272.jpg Recipe: Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (S-grade) 1 0.01% — 0.05%
Item 5277.jpg Recipe: Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (S-grade) 1 0.01% — 0.05%
Item 9575.jpg High-grade Life Stone - Lv. 80 1 0.01% — 0.05%

Items Spoil

Items and resources Cnt Chance
Item 36532.jpg Thin Braid 1 5.506% — 6.722%
Item 36533.jpg Synthetic Braid 1 1.111% — 1.347%
Item 36882.jpg Recipe: Thin Braid - Upgrade 1 0.01% — 0.05%
Item 36881.jpg Recipe: Thin Braid - Downgrade 1 0.001% — 0.005%

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