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Blessed Specter Fighter

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Item 18039.jpg
Grade R95.gifBlessed Specter Fighter
Type - Fist / 2-h.
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Damage Up, or Haste. Two functions can be bestowed through a rare soul crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when enchanted to + 4.
Weight: 1550
Durability: -
P. Atk.: 732
M. Atk.: 262
Soulshots Consume: 1
Spiritshots Consume: 1
MP Consume: 0
Crystallization: Item 17371.jpg Crystal (R-Grade) - 7825
Soul Crystal: Soul Crystal (R95-grade)
Grade: R95
Special Abilities Properties
More about Rare Special Abilities:

Focus <Soul Crystal Enhancement>

Increases Critical by 75.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when enchanted to + 4.

To insert the Soul Crystal requires
Gemstone R-Grade.jpg Gemstone R-Grade — 129
Damage Up <Soul Crystal Enhancement>

P. Atk. + 377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when enchanted to + 4.

To insert the Soul Crystal requires
Gemstone R-Grade.jpg Gemstone R-Grade — 129
Haste <Soul Crystal Enhancement>

Increases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when enchanted to + 4.

To insert the Soul Crystal requires
Gemstone R-Grade.jpg Gemstone R-Grade — 129
Focus + Damage <Soul Crystal Enhancement>

Increases Critical by 78.7 and P. Atk. by 377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when enchanted to + 4.

To insert the Soul Crystal requires
Gemstone R-Grade.jpg Gemstone R-Grade — 1249
Damage Up + Haste <Soul Crystal Enhancement>

P. Atk. + 415 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when enchanted to + 4.

To insert the Soul Crystal requires
Gemstone R-Grade.jpg Gemstone R-Grade — 1249
Haste + Focus <Soul Crystal Enhancement>

Increases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 75.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when enchanted to + 4.

To insert the Soul Crystal requires
Gemstone R-Grade.jpg Gemstone R-Grade — 1249
Blessed Specter Fighter Item Photo

This item can be obtained by identifying an unidentified item Item 18175.jpg Unidentified Specter Fighter

This item is available at auction from NPC Auctioneer in Giran, Aden or Rune

Enchanting Crystallization Fail Ench. Enchanting Crystallization Fail Ench.
+0 7825 +12 18325 14412
+1 8325 +13 19325 15412
+2 8825 +14 20325 16412
+3 9325 5412 +15 21325 17412
+4 10325 6412 +16 22325 18412
+5 11325 7412 +17 23325 19412
+6 12325 8412 +18 24325 20412
+7 13325 9412 +19 25325 21412
+8 14325 10412 +20 26325 22412
+9 15325 11412 +21 27325 23412
+10 16325 12412 +22 28325 24412
+11 17325 13412 +23 29325 25412

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