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In Goddess of Destruction - Awakening developers added Auction House to the game. It's the system allowing players to trade to each other via the NPCs. You can find such NPCs in any township.


Related NPCs

Now you don't have to be online to trade items. Auction House is available 24/7. The NPCs have the "Auction House Manager" title. You can find them in any township. Talk to them to open the Auction House interface. To find them, open the map.

Selling items

  • You can put up items for sale.
  • There's commission on sales: 1 item — 0.01% of the price, min fee is1000 Adena.
  • When the item is sold, the money is delivered by mail, with 0.5% of the price deducted.

Комиссионная торговля-1.jpg

  1. Switching to Your Auctions tab.
  2. Auction list. To start selling an item, you need to drag and drop the item to sell into a special slot below (or double-click it).
  3. Setting the unit price.
  4. Duration — 1, 3, 5, 7 days. Please note that there's a fee 0,01% of the item price. The fee can't be less than Adena.jpg 1,000 adena, and is automatically set to Adena.jpg 1,000 adena at the corresponding price. When you press the "Auction Item" button, the fee is deducted from your character's funds. However, if your character doesn't have enough Adena, it's impossible to auction the item.
  5. Item List. Information about the item price and the remaining days of sale. If you don't want to sell the item anymore, press the "Cancel Auction" button, however you won't get the fee back. There are 10 slots available to auction your items.

Purchasing Items

Комиссионная Торговля - 2.jpg

  1. Choosing the rank or the type of an item.
  2. Choosing the grade of an item.
  3. Search word field (you can enter a part of the item name).
  4. Choosing search category.
    • Weapon: One-handed swords, Magic one-handed swords, Daggers, Rapiers, Two-handed swords, Ancient swords, Dual swords, One-handed blunts, Magic one-handed blunts, Two-handed blunts, Magic two-handed blunts, Dual blunts, Bows, Crossbows, Fists, Spears, etc
    • Armor: Helmets, Upper armor, Lower armor, Full body, Gloves, Feet, Shields, Sigils, Shirts, Cloaks.
    • Accessories: Rings, Earrings, Necklaces, Belts, Bracelets, Hair Accessories.
    • Supplies: Potions, Enchant scrolls (weapon and armor), other scrolls, soulshots and spiritshots.
    • Pet goods pet equipment, pet supplies.
    • Misc: Crystals, Recipes, Major Crafting Ingredients, Life Stones, Soul Crystals and Rare Soul Crystals, Spellbooks, Attribute Stones, Gemsotnes, Puches, Pins, Ornaments, Dyes, etc.
  5. List of search results. The name, the grade, the amount and the price of the item.
  6. The amount of Adena your character has.
  • To protect players from frauds and to make the interface user-friendly, the price is highlighted with different colours (see above).

Getting the items and the money

  • If the item was sold over the specified period of time, the seller gets a message with the money.
  • If the item was not sold over the specified period of time, the seller gets a message with the item.
  • If the message with the money or the item were not received in 15 days, the money or the item are be placed to your character's warehouse.

See also: Mail System

Комиссионная почта.jpgКомиссионка.jpg

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