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Attribute Stone Pack (Western Winds)

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Item 37611.jpg
Grade NG.gifAttribute Stone Pack (Western Winds)
Double-click to obtain either an attribute stone or crystal.
Weight: 10
Durability: -

See also:

You can get at the opening by double-clicking on item:

Item 37607.jpg Treasure Chest (Western Winds)

When you open the box you can get one of the following items:

Item 9556.jpg Dark Crystal
Item 9550.jpg Dark Stone
Item 9554.jpg Earth Crystal
Item 9548.jpg Earth Stone
Item 9552.jpg Fire Crystal
Item 9546.jpg Fire Stone
Item 9557.jpg Holy Crystal
Item 9551.jpg Holy Stone
Item 9553.jpg Water Crystal
Item 9547.jpg Water Stone
Item 9555.jpg Wind Crystal
Item 9549.jpg Wind Stone

Attribute Stone Pack (Western Winds) - Related Pages
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