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Apprentice Adventurer's Bone Club

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Item 7817.jpg
Grade NG.gifApprentice Adventurer's Bone Club
Type - Blunt / 1-h.
Apprentice Adventurer's Bone Club. This item cannot be exchanged, dropped, crystallized, or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
Weight: 1850
Durability: -
P. Atk.: 24
M. Atk.: 17
Soulshots Consume: 2
Spiritshots Consume: 2
MP Consume: 0
Crystallization: 0
Grade: NG

File:Apprentice Adventurer's Bone Club photo.jpg
Apprentice Adventurer's Bone Club Item Photo

Quest Reward:
Quest Levels Start NPC Restrictions

Searching for the Mysterious Power 1 - 20 Shannon Completion of the Qualifications of the Seeker Quest

Apprentice Adventurer's Bone Club - Related Pages
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R99-grade One-Handed Blunts