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Apocalypse Buster

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Item 17332.jpg
Grade R.gifApocalypse Buster
Type - Sword / 1-h.
Bestows one of the following functions: Acumen, Magic Hold, or Mana Up. Two functions can be bestowed through a rare soul crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate when enchanted to + 4.
Weight: 1520
Durability: -
P. Atk.: 403
M. Atk.: 293
Soulshots Consume: 1
Spiritshots Consume: 1
MP Consume: 0
Crystallization: Item 17371.jpg Crystal (R-Grade) - 3274
Soul Crystal: Soul Crystal (R-grade)
Grade: R
Special Abilities Properties
More about Rare Special Abilities:
Acumen <Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate when enchanted to + 4.
To insert the Soul Crystal requires
Gemstone R-Grade.jpg Gemstone R-Grade — 20
Magic Hold <Soul Crystal Enhancement> Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate when enchanted to + 4.
To insert the Soul Crystal requires
Gemstone R-Grade.jpg Gemstone R-Grade — 20
Mana Up <Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate when enchanted to + 4.
To insert the Soul Crystal requires
Gemstone R-Grade.jpg Gemstone R-Grade — 20
Acumen + Magic Hold <Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Casting Spd. by 15%. Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate when enchanted to + 4.
To insert the Soul Crystal requires
Gemstone R-Grade.jpg Gemstone R-Grade — 40
Magic Hold + Mana Up <Soul Crystal Enhancement> Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate when enchanted to + 4.
To insert the Soul Crystal requires
Gemstone R-Grade.jpg Gemstone R-Grade — 40
Mana Up + Acumen <Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Max MP by 30% and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate when enchanted to + 4.
To insert the Soul Crystal requires
Gemstone R-Grade.jpg Gemstone R-Grade — 40
Apocalypse Buster Item Photo

Mob's name Lvl. Stats Hunting Zones Count Chance
Fallen Angel Anakim 94 Raid Boss: If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more Lv.s higher than the raid monster, then the item/Adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more Lv.s, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss (Lv. 94): The fallen angel Anakim resurrects from one of the two seal stones rising from the Abyssal Darkness. She is immature and easily fell into darkness. She stands on Shilen's side and begins to move to achieve a great sacrifice. Angels: These creatures of the heavenly realm or the race posses holy blessings and were originally creatures of the spirits of light. In some very rare cases, angels can manifest the gods' will in reality. Dark Attack: Strong against the dark elemental. Very Strong P. Atk.: The Disciples Necropolis 1 4.141% — 5.051%
Raid Boss Wind Cassius 93 Spirits: They are not necessarily creatures, but elemental energy beings. They basically belong to the 4 elements, which are water, fire, wind, and earth, but they also dwell in natural objects. They are known to be governed by the gods of water, fire, wind, and earth. Wind Attack: Strong against the element of wind. Very Strong P. Atk.: Heavy Armor Type: Strong P. Def. and weak Evasion. Raid Boss: If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more Lv.s higher than the raid monster, then the item/Adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more Lv.s, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss (Lv. 93): One of the 3 Hell Weapons created by the 5 Hell Lords of Avarice, Wind Cassius is a voracious eater of souls, regardless of alliance. Though originally of no color or attribute, it absorbed a part of Lindvior's soul and was reborn with the power of wind. Wind Cassius can be summoned through Apparition Stones made of fake souls. Shadow of the Mother Tree 1 4.113% — 5.022%
Raid Boss Earth Terakan 88 Spirits: They are not necessarily creatures, but elemental energy beings. They basically belong to the 4 elements, which are water, fire, wind, and earth, but they also dwell in natural objects. They are known to be governed by the gods of water, fire, wind, and earth. Earth Attack: Strong against the element of earth. Very Strong P. Atk.: Heavy Armor Type: Strong P. Def. and weak Evasion. Raid Boss: If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more Lv.s higher than the raid monster, then the item/Adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more Lv.s, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss (Lv. 88): One of the 3 Hell Weapons created by the 5 Hell Lords of Avarice, Earth Terakan is a voracious eater of souls, regardless of alliance. Though originally of no color or attribute, it absorbed a part of Antharas' soul and was reborn with the power of the earth. Earth Terakan can be summoned through Apparition Stones made of fake souls. Shilens Garden 1 4.082% — 4.992%
Raid Boss Transformed: Dartanion 86 Raid Boss: If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more Lv.s higher than the raid monster, then the item/Adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more Lv.s, the monster will drop nothing at all. Magic Creatures: The common name for the biotechnological items of the Magic and Lesser Giant Ages. Their M. Atk. is generally strong and they sometimes use high-Lv. magic, such as teleportation. Wind Attack: Strong against the element of wind. Raid Boss (Lv. 86): A mutated version of the Dartanions at the Altar of Evil. It is bigger and stronger. Bloody Swampland 1 1.778% — 2.164%
Raid Boss Maliss' Clone 93 Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Dark Attack: Strong against the dark elemental. Heavy Armor Type: Strong P. Def. and weak Evasion. Raid Boss: If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more Lv.s higher than the raid monster, then the item/Adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more Lv.s, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss (Lv. 93): A clone of Maliss created by Embryo, whom Disciple Nemis tricked under the guise of Etis van Etina. With Nemis bestowing the power of darkness from the sidelines, the clone is more powerful than Maliss. It is currently partaking in the monster magic circle with members of Embryo and their other creations. Elven Forest 1 1.185% — 1.435%
Raid Boss Demon Harsia 88 Demons: This race of darkness opposes the angels. Beings that are changed by the curse of darkness become demons as well. Dark Attack: Strong against the dark elemental. Heavy Armor Type: Strong P. Def. and weak Evasion. Raid Boss: If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more Lv.s higher than the raid monster, then the item/Adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more Lv.s, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss (Lv. 88): The release of Punishment, the 6th Seal, renewed activity at the Altar of Shilen, from which rose Harsia the demon. Borne of the essence of Shilen's blood, Harsia has a close resemblance to Shilen's children, and has an insatiable thirst for blood. Her first action upon waking was to gather up monsters in the Bloody Swampland and Altar of Evil areas and rule over the strong ones while slaughtering the rest to drink their blood. The Dark Forest 1 1.171% — 1.421%
Raid Boss Monster Sarga 88 Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Fire Attack: Strong against the element of fire. Heavy Armor Type: Strong P. Def. and weak Evasion. Raid Boss: If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more Lv.s higher than the raid monster, then the item/Adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more Lv.s, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss (Lv. 88): Sarga the monster is an enhancement from a minotaur created for fun by Hardin's disciple. Disciple Lavidos has kidnapped the creature and infused it with the power of darkness, resulting in a bigger and stronger Minotaur with greater intellect. Amused by his success after Laum's creation, Lavidos has even created a circle of minions for Sarga. Now Sarga is on an indiscriminate killing rampage in Gludio to activate the magic circle made of monsters. Gludio Territory 1 1.130% — 1.380%
Raid Boss Ekidna's Statue Kimesis 93 Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Water Attack: Strong against the element of water. Heavy Armor Type: Strong P. Def. and weak Evasion. Raid Boss: If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more Lv.s higher than the raid monster, then the item/Adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more Lv.s, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss (Lv. 93): Kimesis was a sculpture in Orbis Temple, among the many that stylized male beauty. Ekidna, the disciple who symbolizes Shilen's masculine beauty, enslaved Kimesis and set him loose in Fairy Settlement, where he had snuck in under the guise of a beautiful Elf. Now a cursed puppet with glowing red eyes shedding tears of blood, Kimesis is a part of the magic circle of monsters, creating havoc in Magmeld. Fairy Settlement 1 1.130% — 1.380%
Raid Boss Timarga 94 Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Fire Attack: Strong against the element of fire. Heavy Armor Type: Strong P. Def. and weak Evasion. Raid Boss: If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more Lv.s higher than the raid monster, then the item/Adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more Lv.s, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss (Lv. 94): A race of enhanced monsters created by DIsciple Lavidos using Kel Mahum, staff-wielding Timarga is one of the 4 bosses of the Tayga, and takes a part in the monster magic circle with the other Tayga bosses and Enhanced Mahum. Garden of Beasts 1 1.113% — 1.363%
Raid Boss Amden Orc Turamathia 92 Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Earth Attack: Strong against the element of earth. Heavy Armor Type: Strong P. Def. and weak Evasion. Raid Boss: If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more Lv.s higher than the raid monster, then the item/Adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more Lv.s, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss (Lv. 92): Due to their tradition of carrying dead enemy parts as marks of victory, the great tribe of Amden Orcs have been cursed by Shilen's Disciples, whose influence was amplified by the victory relics' link with death. Controlled by Disciple Nemis, Turation has come to the Turek Orc Campsite to be a part of the magic circle created by monsters. Though cursed, Turamathia retains the tribe's aggression and stamina. Orc Barracks 1 1.099% — 1.349%
Raid Boss Spezion (General) 94 Raid Boss: If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more Lv.s higher than the raid monster, then the item/Adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more Lv.s, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss (Lv. 94): Prison of the giants who dared to oppose the goddess Einhasad. It sleeps forever underneath the Ancient City Arcan. It was banished deep underneath the Ancient City Arcan. It makes the humans who seek it out experience its past. Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Earth Attack: Strong against the element of earth. Greater Stun Resistance: Very resistant to Stun. Greater Sleep Resistance: Very resistant to Sleep. Greater Paralysis Resistance: Very resistant to Paralysis. Greater Mental Attack Resistance: Very resistant to Mental Attacks. Greater Hold Resistance: Very resistant to Hold. Greater Stun Resistance: Very resistant to Stun. Instance Zone: Raid Boss Spezion 1 0.5% — 1%
Lord of Kartia Pelline (for party) 93 Demons: This race of darkness opposes the angels. Beings that are changed by the curse of darkness become demons as well. Fire Attack: Strong against the element of fire. Kartias Labyrinth 1 0.1% — 0.5%
Queen of Annihilation Istina (common) 94 Beast: Generally considers humans as food. Classifies attacking animals as monsters. This also includes chimeras that have fused more than 2 types of cells, as well as other fantasy creatures from mythology. Istina: Istina is a Lord of destruction who caused the sprouting of the Seed of Annihilation, one of the 9 seeds sown in Gracia containing hatred toward Einhasad. She is the creator and mother of all things that live inside the Seed of Annihilation. The life energy of Gracia is the source of her power. In order to complete the resurrection of Shilen, Istina caused a deadly poison created inside the Seed of Annihilation to permeate throughout the southern region of Gracia. Water Attack: Strong against the element of water. Seed of Annihilation 1 0.1% — 0.5%
Raid Boss Spezion (extreme) 98 Raid Boss: If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more Lv.s higher than the raid monster, then the item/Adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more Lv.s, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss (Lv. 98): Prison of the giants who dared to oppose the goddess Einhasad. It sleeps forever underneath the Ancient City Arcan. It was banished deep underneath the Ancient City Arcan. It makes the humans who seek it out experience its past. Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Earth Attack: Strong against the element of earth. Greater Stun Resistance: Very resistant to Stun. Greater Sleep Resistance: Very resistant to Sleep. Greater Paralysis Resistance: Very resistant to Paralysis. Greater Mental Attack Resistance: Very resistant to Mental Attacks. Greater Hold Resistance: Very resistant to Hold. Greater Stun Resistance: Very resistant to Stun. Instance Zone: Raid Boss Spezion 1 0.05% — 0.1%
Wicked Satyr Witch (Wicked) 90 Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Dark Attack: Strong against the dark elemental. Slightly Strong P. Atk.: Slightly Strong M. Atk.: Fairy Settlement 1 0.001% — 0.005%
Fairy Leader Kimerian (common) 92 Fairies: Many members of this ancient race left our world as it changed to become more hostile. Some scholars theorize that Fairies were actually living works of art created by the gods for their entertainment. Earth Attack: Strong against the element of earth. Greater Stun Resistance: Very resistant to Stun. Greater Sleep Resistance: Very resistant to Sleep. Greater Paralysis Resistance: Very resistant to Paralysis. Greater Mental Attack Resistance: Very resistant to Mental Attacks. Greater Hold Resistance: Very resistant to Hold. Fairy Settlement 1 0.001% — 0.01%
Fully Enraged Satyr Witch (Slightly Enraged) 92 Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Water Attack: Strong against the element of water. Slightly Strong P. Atk.: Slightly Strong M. Atk.: Slightly Strong P. Def.: Slightly Strong M. Def.: Fairy Settlement 1 0.001% — 0.005%
Slightly Enraged Satyr Witch (Faithful Servant) 92 Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Water Attack: Strong against the element of water. Slightly Strong P. Atk.: Slightly Strong M. Atk.: Fairy Settlement 1 0.001% — 0.005%
Brutal Satyr Witch (Brutal) 93 Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Dark Attack: Strong against the dark elemental. Slightly Strong P. Atk.: Slightly Strong M. Atk.: Slightly Strong P. Def.: Slightly Strong M. Def.: Fairy Settlement 1 0.001% — 0.005%
Median Royal Guard (94 lvl) 94 Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Dark Attack: Strong against the dark elemental. Strong P. Atk.: Prison of Darkness 1 0.001% — 0.005%
Satyr Witch 88 Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Water Attack: Strong against the element of water. Fairy Settlement 1 ~ 0.0009%
Mature Satyr Witch (Mature) 89 Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Water Attack: Strong against the element of water. Fairy Settlement 1 ~ 0.0009%
Imperfect Satyr Witch (Imperfect) 89 Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Water Attack: Strong against the element of water. Fairy Settlement 1 ~ 0.0009%
Violent Satyr Witch (Violent) 91 Humanoids: They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Water Attack: Strong against the element of water. Slightly Strong P. Atk.: Slightly Strong M. Atk.: Fairy Settlement 1 ~ 0.0009%

This item can be obtained by identifying an unidentified item Item 18145.jpg Unidentified Apocalypse Buster
To craft an item, its crafter must learn a Item 36771.jpg Recipe: Apocalypse Buster (60%) .
Skill level: 12
Craft chance item: 60%
Number of items crafted: 1
MP Spent: 264

Enchanting Crystallization Fail Ench. Enchanting Crystallization Fail Ench.
+0 3274 +12 13774 12137
+1 3774 +13 14774 13137
+2 4274 +14 15774 14137
+3 4774 3137 +15 16774 15137
+4 5774 4137 +16 17774 16137
+5 6774 5137 +17 18774 17137
+6 7774 6137 +18 19774 18137
+7 8774 7137 +19 20774 19137
+8 9774 8137 +20 21774 20137
+9 10774 9137 +21 22774 21137
+10 11774 10137 +22 23774 22137
+11 12774 11137 +23 24774 23137

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