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Apella Heavy Armor Set

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Revision as of 21:07, 9 February 2012 by Shulmith (Talk | contribs)
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Item 7861.jpg Apella Plate Armor Grade A.gif
Phys. Def.:278
Item 7860.jpg Apella Helm Grade A.gif
Phys. Def.:69
Item 7862.jpg Apella Gauntlets Grade A.gif Heavy Armor
Phys. Def.:46
Item 7863.jpg Apella Solleret Grade A.gif Heavy Armor
Phys. Def.:46

Set Effects
2 parts No Set Effect
3 parts No Set Effect
4 parts Max CP +1035; CP Recovery Rate + 40%; If damage inflicted by PC is more than 50, M. Def. +5% with 10% chance; and Critical Rate -3 when attacked.

The appearance of a set of armor



Dark Elves




Apella Heavy Armor Set - Related Pages
Items Armor Sets | Weapon | Armor | Accessories | Head Accessories | Belts | Cloaks | Bracers | Talismans
Armor Sets R99 Grade Armor Sets | R95 Grade Armor Sets | R Grade Armor Sets | S80 Grade Armor Sets | S Grade Armor Sets | A Grade Armor Sets | B Grade Armor Sets | C Grade Armor Sets | D Grade Armor Sets | No Grade Armor Sets
A Grade Armor Sets A Grade Heavy Armor Sets
A Grade Light Armor Sets
A Grade Robe Armor Sets