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Aden Territory - Quests

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Quest Type Levels Start NPC Restrictions Description
A Clan's Reputation Solo questRepeatable quest 0 Sir Eric Rodemai Clan Leader, Clan Level 5 or above Sir Eric Rodemai in the Town of Aden is looking for a brave adventurer to raise the clan's reputation.
The Lord of Light and the Shadow of Darkness - Aden Repeatable quest 1 Chamberlain of Light Lord, clan level 10 or above I am the master of Aden Castle. My faithful servant Logan has something he wishes to discuss...
Coins of Magic Solo questRepeatable quest 40 - 60 Sorint No Requirements Who would have thought that coin collecting could lead to such horrific chaos throughout the kingdom? Once you start, you cannot escape its grip. Do you think you can get the 1st Class Coin Collector Membership?
Follow Me Solo questOnetime quest 40 - 50 Isael Silvershadow A Sponsored Member of the Clan Academy Retired adventurer Isael Silvershadow of the Hunters Village says he knows how to easily grow up through the help in surroundings. What is really the secret for that?
Little Wing's Big Adventure Solo questRepeatable quest 45 Cronos At least Hatchling Level 55, One Dragonflute Raising a fat, lazy hatchling isn't an easy task! You shall now reap the harvest of your hard work!
Warehouse Keeper's Ambition Solo questRepeatable quest 47 - 57 Silva No Requirements Warehouse Chief Baxt recently announced retirement, and the competition to replace him has already grown fierce among the freightmen.
Kail's Magic Coin Solo questRepeatable quest 55 - 60 Vergara Royal Membership Kail, known as the right hand of the devil Beleth, had a habit of making weird coins. There is a certain collector who collects no others.
Let's Become a Royal Member! Solo questRepeatable quest 55 - 65 Sorint Coin Collector Membership - 1, Completion of the Coins of Magic Quest The Coin Collectors Club has members from every land! Would you care to take the test to join?
Be Prepared for Anything Repeatable quest 58 - 65 Paterson No Requirements Try adding options to your belt.
Nowhere to Turn Solo questOnetime quest 58 - 61 Eblune No Requirements Eblune, the Giant's minion in the Forsaken Plains, needs adventurers' help in overcoming the present predicament.
Stolen Dignity Solo questRepeatable quest 58 - 75 Romp No Requirements The Iron Gate Guild is furious that the infernium ore that it needs to construct a warehouse has been stolen by monsters! They have asked for assistance in recovering the ore.
The Guardian Giant Solo questOnetime quest 58 - 61 Novain Complete: Nowhere to Turn Novain in the Forsake Plains says you need to find the Guardian Giant in order to complete the investigation requested by the Giant's minion.
Legacy of Insolence Solo questRepeatable quest 59 - 75 Walderal No Requirements The Tower of Insolence is definitely one of the most marvelous structures in history. The Gray Pillar Guild, expert architects, felt they had to reclaim the inheritance of their Dwarven ancestors' technology.
Shrieks of Ghosts Solo questRepeatable quest 59 - 71 Reva No Requirements The Tower of Insolence was built with the blood and bones of its many innocent victims. That place is haunted by the souls of those wrongly executed there! Would you pacify them?
An Arrogant Search Solo questRepeatable quest 60 - 75 Hanellin No Requirements Above the Tower of Insolence swirls a mysterious vortex. There the gods have sealed Baium, the arrogant creator of the tower. What can you learn there?
For a Sleepless Deadman Solo questRepeatable quest 60 - 67 Orven No Requirements The king's bitterness at his defeat was so great that it even transcended his death! To this day, he wanders his ruined castle.
Make a Pair of Dress Shoes Solo questOnetime quest 60 Woodley No Requirements While making formal wear, Leikar asks you to go to Trader Woodley and get some dress shoes. Woodley doesn't make them, however.
Make a Sewing Kit Solo questRepeatable quest 60 Ferris No Requirements Leikar asks you to visit Ferris in the Town of Aden and make a sewing kit. You'll need an extraordinary ingredient to make it.
Make Formal Wear Solo questOnetime quest 60 Alexis No Requirements You visited Alexis to have some formal wear made, but learned that her maid, Leikar, makes it better than she does. Go and see Leikar.
A Game of Cards Solo questRepeatable quest 61 - 80 Klump No Requirements Warehouse Chief Klump of the Town of Aden spends most of his time playing cards. The word is that anyone who can beat him will win a generous prize.
Before Darkness Bears Fruit Solo questOnetime quest 61 - 65 Shuvann Complete: Kartia's Seed Shuvann has been looking for an adventurer to aid in his investigation in the Fields of Massacre.
Brothers Bound in Chains Repeatable quest 61 Black Judge Characters with 1 or more PK count and a main class of Level 85 or above I am Kieras, the angel of peace who once served the goddess of light and spread her blessings upon the world. Those who seek to repent, come hither…
Kartia's Seed Solo questOnetime quest 61 - 65 Shuvann No Requirements Shuvann has been looking for an adventurer to aid in his investigation in the Fields of Massacre.
The Oppressor and The Oppressed Solo questDaily quest 61 - 64 Adventurers' Guide No Requirements Level 60-64 Daily Quest. The Adventurers' Guide has a job from Magister Desmond of Mystic Guild in the Town of Aden to hunt creatures in the Forsaken Plains area in the Aden Territory.
Come to Me Solo questOnetime quest 70 - 75 Ferris A Sponsored Member of the Clan Academy Ferris, the Head Blacksmith of Aden Town Square, talks about the secret to obtain a tool, which will be the basis for growth. What will it really be?
Journey to Gracia Solo questOnetime quest 75 Orven No Requirements A crisis is approaching Gracia. High Priest Orven is searching for adventurers who can leave for Gracia in order to overcome the crisis…
Containing the Attribute Power Solo questOnetime quest 76 - No Requirements The trouble that has befallen the Attribute Masters is worrying Trader Holly in the Town of Aden and Trader Weber in the Town of Rune. It seems that subjects from experiments that were intended to strengthen the Attribute Masters have become reckless and have escaped. The escaped subjects are still valuable to them and they require you to follow their specific instructions...
Day of Destiny: Dark Elf's Fate Solo questOnetime quest 76 Oltran Dark Elf 3rd Class Transfer Quest - Dark Elf
Day of Destiny: Dwarf's Fate Solo questOnetime quest 76 Ferris Dwarf 3rd Class Transfer Quest - Dwarf
Day of Destiny: Elven Fate Solo questOnetime quest 76 Winonin Elf 3rd Class Transfer Quest for Elves
Day of Destiny: Human's Fate Solo questOnetime quest 76 Orven Human 3rd Class Transfer Quest - Human
Day of Destiny: Kamael's Fate Solo questOnetime quest 76 Brome Kamael 3rd Class Transfer Quest - Kamael
Day of Destiny: Orc's Fate Solo questOnetime quest 76 Ladanza Orc 3rd Class Transfer Quest - Orc
Menacing Times Repeatable quest 76 - 81 - Available after 3rd Class Transfer The Day of Destiny is over and the crisis in the Town of Aden has been resolved. The threat of Shilen is never over as a new danger approaches…
Control Device of the Giants Solo questRepeatable quest 79 Droph No Requirements The Dwarf Adventurer Droph, who is exploring the interior of the Giant's Cave, wants to defeat Hekaton Prime and to resume the cave exploration work. For this, you must defeat Hekaton Prime, who rules over all the giants in the cave...
Exploration of the Giants' Cave - Part 1 Solo questRepeatable quest 79 Sobling No Requirements Dwarf Sobling solved the puzzle of the past and revealed the truth. There's still something else he needs to do at the Giant's Cave.
Exploration of the Giants' Cave - Part 2 Solo questRepeatable quest 79 Sobling Dictionary of Ancient Languages: Intermediate Level Sobling's efforts are finally starting to pay off. However, he says that there is still room for improvement.
Seven Signs, Embryo Solo questOnetime quest 79 Wood No Requirements Meet with Franz, the witness of Dawn, in his secret hideout to talk about the Shunaiman bloodline and how it relates to the seals.
Seven Signs, Secret Ritual of the Priests Solo questOnetime quest 79 Claudia Athebaldt No Requirements Lady Claudia tells you about the place where the Secret Rituals are held, the Secret Oracle, which exists at the bottom floor of the Oracle of Dawn and is exclusive to high-ranking priests...
Seven Signs, the Sacred Book of Seal Solo questOnetime quest 79 Wood No Requirements You're on your way to meet High Priest Orven in order to learn the location of Franz, but Orven does not trust adventurers...
Tired of Waiting Solo questRepeatable quest 80 Isael Silvershadow No Requirements Isabel Silvershadow in Hunter's Village is in dire need of an adventurer who will hear her request. Silvershadow says that someone is anxiously waiting to receive an item from her and that there could be consequences to those who make this person wait...
Seven Signs, Mysterious Girl Solo questOnetime quest 81 Wood No Requirements Priest Wood in the Einhasad Temple of Aden Castle is facing a new problem dealing with the seal of the Seven Signs, and he is seeking a hero who can help him.
Seven Signs, One Who Seeks the Power of the Seal Solo questOnetime quest 81 Eris' Evil Thoughts No Requirements Priest Wood in the Einhasad Temple of Aden Castle is facing a new problem dealing with the seal of the Seven Signs, and he is seeking a hero who can help him.
Seven Signs, Solina's Tomb Solo questOnetime quest 81 Eris' Evil Thoughts No Requirements Priest Wood in the Einhasad Temple of Aden Castle is facing a new problem dealing with the seal of the Seven Signs, and he is seeking a hero who can help him.
Seven Signs, To the Monastery of Silence Solo questOnetime quest 81 Elcadia No Requirements Discover the truth about Embryo with Elcadia. Just as you are about to infiltrate the Monastery of Silence...
Incarnation of Greed Zellaka (Group) Solo questDaily quest 85 - 89 Kartia Researcher No Requirements Invade Kartia's Labyrinth and defeat the two-dimensional demons that seek to attack the kingdom of Aden...
Shadow of Terror: Blackish Red Fog Solo questOnetime quest 88 Lada Have used Lada's Letter Unknown disease has been spread in each race village of Aden. It says that Magmeld Delegation Leader Lada found in the Hunters Village knows something about this phenomenon...
Incarnation of Jealousy Pelline (Group) Solo questDaily quest 90 - 94 Kartia Researcher No Requirements Invade Kartia's Labyrinth and defeat the two-dimensional demons that seek to attack the kingdom of Aden...
Reacting to a Crisis Solo questDaily quest 93 Verna Completion of the Mysterious Journey Quest Verna is searching high and low for a way to stop the Spiculas from multiplying.
Soulless One Repeatable quest 93 Hesed Completion of the Mysterious Journey Quest Dr. Chaos has left Pavel Ruins with his army of Golems. The Dwarf Guild has a bad feeling about this…
Uncover the Secret Solo questDaily quest 93 Hesed Completion of the Mysterious Journey Quest The Spiculas continue to emerge in the Isle of Souls as Raido the virus continues its rampage. The Dwarves are trying to solve this mystery.
Altar of Blood that Awakens Destruction Solo questRepeatable quest 95 - 99 Agent Georgio No Requirements The proliferation of powerful monsters arising from the Seal of Shilen is threatening Aden Castle. The Goddess of Destruction opens her eyes and begins a tremendous plot from the depths of the Seal of Shilen that threatens the entire continent…
Incarnation of Gluttony Kalios (Group) Solo questDaily quest 95 Kartia Researcher No Requirements Invade Kartia's Labyrinth and defeat the two-dimensional demons that seek to attack the kingdom of Aden...
Kicking Out Unwelcome Guests Solo questDaily quest 95 Agent Georgio No Requirements The proliferation of powerful monsters arising from the Seal of Shilen is threatening Aden Castle. The Goddess of Destruction opens her eyes and begins a tremendous plot from the depths of the Seal of Shilen that threatens the entire continent...

Quests - Related Pages
Quests New Quests
Class Transfer: First Class Transfer Quests | Second Class Transfer Quests | Third Class Transfer Quests | Awakening Quest
Quests by Level 1-39 lvl | 40—74 lvl | 75—84 lvl | 85—99 lvl
Quest by Territory: Gludio | Dion | Giran | Innadril | Oren | Aden | Rune | Goddard | Schuttgart | Gracia | Magmeld
Mon, 40+ , Mourning Service for the Victims
Mon, 40+ , Purify the Dwarf's Soul
Mon/Thu, 25+ , Collect Tama Herbs
Tue, 75+, Find the Hidden Jewel
Wed, 40+, Dispose of the Followers of Shilen
Wed/Sat, 40+ , Hurry and Hide
Thu/Sun, 40+, Bring the Antidote
Fri, 75+, Remove the Curse of Pestilence
Fri/Sat/Sun, 40+ , A Dance With You
Sat, 75+, Destroy the Dark Spirit Angmas
Sun, 40+ , Enlightened Daemon Angma
Wed/Fri/Sat/Sun, 95+ Destroy Shilen’s Creatures